Brasero 100 cm

Showing 1-18 of 18 item(s)
Round corten brasero of Ø... Round corten brasero of Ø... 2
Livraison sous 3 à 5 jours
Braseros Planchas

Round corten brasero of Ø 1000 mm on furniture (Le Gerard)

The brasero "Le Gérard" is the brasero of the buddies, a barbecue braero to ripailler around a warm element in all seasons. Prepare your meats, fish, crustaceans and vegetables for 60 to 70 friends.
Round black brasero of Ø... Round black brasero of Ø... 2
Livraison sous 3 à 5 jours
Braseros Planchas

Round black brasero of Ø 1000 mm on furniture (Le Gerard)

The brasero "Le Gérard" is the brasero of the buddies, a barbecue braero to ripailler around a warm element in all seasons. Prepare your meats, fish, crustaceans and vegetables for 60 to 70 friends.
Round corten brasero of Ø... Round corten brasero of Ø... 2
Livraison sous 3 à 5 jours
Braseros Planchas

Round corten brasero of Ø 1000 mm on furniture (Le Gerard)

The brasero "L'Indéboulonnable Gérard" is the braero of friends, a barbecue braero to ripailler around a warm element in all seasons. Its particularity is simple! No way to move it because it is equipped with a large steel plate that is fixed under the furniture. Prepare your meats, fish, crustaceans and vegetables for 60 to 70 friends.
copy of La Gaule Ø 800 mm copy of La Gaule Ø 800 mm 2
Delivery within 5 to 7 days
Brasero to pose

copy of La Gaule Ø 800 mm

The brasero "la Gaule" is the brasero of the buddies, a barbecue braid to ripailler around a warm element in all seasons. Prepare your meats, fish, crustaceans and vegetables for 15 to 20 friends.
Braseros Planchas



Do you organize a moment of fun with friends outside your home? Are you wondering how to be warm despite the location? A nice comfortable solution when you reach a dozen people, it is the brasero of 100 cm in diameter. It provides homogeneous and comfortable heat over several meters.

How does the brasero plancha barbecue 100 cm?

There are a large number of braseros. Models vary according to form, fuel and construction equipment. It then takes methodology to use them. Generally, before switching to the use of your equipment, i is recommended to read the guidance manual. Specific instructions that will help you easily use your brasero are documented.

However, to light it, it is recommended to use automatic fire lighters. However, go gradually. If you have a wood model, do not overload wood or very high. Flames could fly and cause damage.

On the other hand, the brasero also plays the barbecue role. In this case, to make roasts, it is only necessary that the brew obtained is at a very high temperature. Thus, using the grilling, you can cook different kinds of food. In particular, meat, fish, etc.

How to choose his brasero plancha barbecue 100 cm?

Several criteria are important in choosing a brasero. The main materials are construction material, fuel, style and price.

The material

cast iron: it is the most popular coating, because it has a strong thermal inertia. Even after his extinction, he continues to restore the heat he had stored. It is very resistant to high temperatures.

Steel: it is excellent to resist heat. A steel braid is very light and therefore practical. It is a very handy material to create original shapes. However, in inertia, it is not too powerful. However, it is easy to clean, has a beautiful design, but is expensive and rare on the market.

Terracotta: This material is often compared to the Mexican brasero. It is a coating with a strong thermal inertia. A terracotta brasero propagates homogeneous heat over several meters. It is suitable for a traditional decoration design. However, it is very fragile.

Fixed or mobile model for your brasero plancha barbecue?

There are usually two categories of brasero. It can be transportable or installed. Thus, it is according to the use that you intend to make it that you choose your device. If you travel regularly or intend to use it later outside the house, a soft and light model would be adequate. However, if you are at home, you can install a stable model.


The most used fuels are wood, gas, propane, bioethanol, coal. The wood is the most common. It is easy to find so much appreciated by the majority. It is very economical and simple to use. However, it is important to know that it releases enough smoke and is very difficult to activate when it is wet.

However, wood and/or coal remain a good choice. These are fuels that burn correctly and give a powerful temperature. Wood like charcoal burns very slowly so, to enjoy long warming times. The ignition is somewhat complex. The ash produced is also a salient element.

Finally, gas and bioethanol are highly appreciated fuels, as there is no production of ash or smoke. They do not require much maintenance. However, they put some time to heat, but arrive at a good temperature after a few minutes.